
休假式治疗用英语怎么说?休假式治疗: vacation-style therapy、 vacation-style treatment、holiday-style medical treatment
路透社英文报道翻译:It is understood that Deputy Mayor Wang Lijun, who has suffered overwork and immense mental stress for a long time, is seriously indisposed physically. He is currently undergoing a vacation-style therapy.
BBC英文报道翻译:It is understood that Vice-Mayor Wang Lijun, who has suffered overwork overwork and immense mental stress for a long time, is seriously phisically indisposed. After agreement, he is currently taking holiday-style medical treatment.
英国卫报英文报道翻译:According to information, because of long-term overwork, vice mayor Wang Lijun is highly stressed and in poor health. He is now accepting vacation-style treatment.