英语话题 英语学习资源 英语微杂志


12020-08-07 16:08:38




Gu Jia (Tong Yao) was the homemaker behind her husband's success from a nerdy programmer to the CEO of a company. She was also the perfect image ofa full-time housewife. When another woman threatens her marriage, she doesn't back down and tries hard to save her relationship with her husband.

homemaker [ˈhoʊmmeɪkər] n.料理家务者、操持家务者、家庭主妇
nerdy [ˈnɜːdi] n.呆子 adj. 呆板的、傻傻的
a / the perfect image of ......的完美典范
full-time [ˌfʊl ˈtaɪm] adj. 全日制的、专职的。与之对应的是 part-time.
full-time housewife 全职太太
back down 放弃、打退堂鼓、让步


Zhong Xiaoqin (Mao Xiaotong) is an ordinary woman with an ordinary job, married to a man with a stable career.

She is also a casual writer. One day, the unthinkable happens when the copyrights for her novels are suddenly sold at an exorbitant price, thus turned her into the breadwinner of the family. As a power imbalance is seen between Zhong Xiaoqin and her husband, their marriage is also shaken.

unthinkable adj. 难以想象的,不可思议的,难以置信的
copyright n. 版权
exorbitant [ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt] adj.过高的,奢华的,价格贵得离谱的

turn sb./ sth. into 把......变成
breadwinner [ˈbredwɪnər]:the breadwinner in the family is the person who makes the money that the whole family needs for necessary things.(家中的顶梁柱,养家糊口的人)



Wang Manni (Maggie Jiang) is a strong-spirited lady who prides herself forhaving both beauty and brains and believes that she deserves better than what she has.

As she falls in love with a man, she marries him immediately, yet later finds out that their differences are taking a huge toll on their relationship.

strong-spirited adj. 精力充沛的
pride oneself for / on sth. 为....感到自豪
toll [təʊl] n. 伤亡人数、通行费、钟声 V. 敲钟、鸣钟
take a toll on sth.:If something takes its/a toll, it causes suffering, deaths, or damage. (对某事)造成很大的损失(或伤亡、破坏)

从官方的资料可知,《三十而已》的英译名为Nothing But Thirty。

Nothing but在英语里是个常见词组,它的基本含义是“只是;仅仅;除……外”。

表示“三十多岁”可以说thirty something,这里的 something 是代词, (表示不确切的描述或数量)大致,左右。此外,something 还表示差不多。在数词后面加上 something 就是一个大概的数字。


1.One should be independent at the age of thirty.

2.When I was thirty I established myself in the society according to the manners.

3.At thirty, I had planted my feet firm upon the ground.


A story about three vastly different women who reach their thirties while facing different challenges and decide to take matters into their own hands.

take matters into one's own hands:to deal with a problem yourself because other people have failed to deal with it. 自己出面解决,自己做主




early childhood幼儿期

middle childhood 童年中期


twentysomething 二十来岁的年轻人(20到29岁之间的年轻人)

in one's thirties三十多岁/而立之年的人(30-39岁的人)


middle age 中年

old age老年


十几岁:in one's teens

四十出头:a little/ a bit over forty

五十岁左右:more or less fifty; about fifty

近六十岁:nearly/ almost sixty

九十好几:well over ninety


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